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Friday, May 06, 2005


Karen Hall

Just to be clear, my point was that the bishop's stand was a non-stand. Cardinal Arinze directly ordered him not to let the people wearing rainbow sashes to receive communion. He told them they could receive communion if they left their sashes in the pews. I know women who haven't received communion in years because they re-married and, for whatever reason, couldn't get an annulment. Leave your sin in the pews and we'll ignore it? Is this some new form of absolution?

The King's Daughter

I agree, the Rainbow Sash if worn in the Church, is a sign of protest and if left in the pew for one to go receive communion, that does nothing to negate someone wearing it to Mass in the first place.
I didn't catch that in the Archbishops letter and I think Karen is right. Anyone who wears a rainbow sash to Mass should be denied communion no matter where they hide it when they walk up to receive the Blessed Sacrament.

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