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« Do Catholics Have A Right To Kneel? | Main | Another Liberal Gatekeeper: Vocations director under fire in California »

Saturday, May 06, 2006


john chrysostom

I believe based on the evidence provided here, it is quite likely that the Holy Father plans to make worshipping at the Tridentine rite more widely available.

Katharine P Winterer

I certainly hope he brings back the Latin Mass. I don't appreciate it as much in English and wish that it were still 'universally' in Latin. Then I could be fully involved even in New Zealand where they alternate English and Maori. I hope they also get rid of the hand shaking, which I find to be merely an opportunity for getting germs.

George Pelbath

The pope and the whole papal dynasty is the beast of Revelation 17.


Give it a rest, will ya. Go handle some snakes or something.

Angela Velazquez

The only way to preserve the Tridentine Mass, in my opnion, is through the institution of its own Rite by Pope Benedict XVI.


What's wrong with simply encouraging the contemporary Rite of Mass to be said in Latin? Any priest has that option. No special permission is required. The Tridentine Mass is not the Latin Mass.


I think we have yet to see more N.O. mediated destruction yet. I hope I am wrong but I think we will have to suffer more before any real changes occur.


Ugg. The "Papal Dinasty" has been around for almost 2000 years and is composed of 265 Popes. The Beast in Revelation is A PERSON. Not a group, an idea, an asociation or what have you. The Anti-Christ is a very concrete human being, period. And he will show up seven years before Armaggedon, not 2000 years before. I mean, get a grip, don't let hatred blind you to Biblical truth.
As for the Latin Mass, that's just all right. I'm glad to see this happening. But also, the Novus Ordo is just ok. It has been validly aproved by the Pope, so it's a legitimate expresion of the Divine Cult. Both should be available and I think that's the idea of His Holiness.
Just make the Novus Ordo more solemn, more spiritual. Responsibility here is not on the Canon, but on the individual priests that say mass; and the Ordinary's attitude and guidelines.


I doubt it-he is like JPII, he throws out a few liberal blurbs here and there (I am sure that most know what the word "Indult" means) and to "Allow" faithful catholics to worship as we have for the first 1970 years of church history like they are throwing us some bone is another form of hipocracy. I do have much more faith in B16 than in JPII the showman, as he is well versed in the destruction of morality and faith in the clergy and laity alike and maybe the Pius V Bull of "letting the wrath of St Peter and Paul on anyone who change this Mass" or something of the sort is just that, their wrath on the church


In the post above-I did mean "conservative or traditional" blurbs-we all know that the Vatican II Popes are liberals or modernists at heart


That wrath was for those who would change the order of the Mass of Pius V. It's the Mass of Paul VI that is in use now, isn't it?
I think there is confusion when it comes to that bull. The "Mass of All Time" is a misquote.

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I love the Latin Mass. As innovations made their way into my home parish, I went to Latin Masses. You get all those prayers said for us by the priest, the beautiful music and good informational sermons.

I have seen better things happen in N.O. parishes like adoration chapels, group rosaries, Our Mother of Perpetual Help devotions on Tuesdays and info on EWTN speakers and such.

However, the allowance of bisops like the one in Orange Co. (Brown?) allowing the Fr. Davis to be a vocation director?

If those in EWTN want to preach the greatness of Vatican 2, post Vatican 2 epistles and the N.O., let us see those documents enforced in N.O. churches, schools, hospitals even if thousands of parishes and Catholic institutions close--better that than thousands of souls going to hell. It's not enough that only women trying to get ordained and ecclesially-dissident traditionalists get excommunicated. It's not enough that good cardinals get selected. EWTN is not enough. Not everyone knows of them. I'd never heard of them growing up and I was 5 in 1980.

Shepherds need to defend their flock against wolves with or without sheep's clothing. God bless those who have allowed the tridentine Mass and lead pro-life marches and lead other traditional things--but that's not everywhere and, even in their diocese, liberalism festers. Why those conservative Catholics don't run the wolves out beats me.


I will be very interested to see what happens when Benedict's motu proprio is finally issued. I think it may create more problems than it solves. The Vatican will have certain expectations of quid pro quo from Traditional Tridentine rite Catholics. Most Traditional Catholics will probably not meet them halfway.


Am I the only one having an absolute fit about a return to Latin in the mass? I don't speak latin, I know few priests who do, and frankly, when my kids pray I want them to know what they're saying. Praying in latin has absolutely zilch to do with embracing the Real Presence in the Eucharist, with loving the sacraments, being pro-life or being a faithful, conservative,devout Catholic; having an appreciation for our Latin roots in the church is one thing, thinking for a moment that one can pray better in latin is just silly at best. This is nothing but false piety.

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