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Tuesday, August 29, 2006


brother lesser

Did he mention Hillary at all?


Definitely not surprising, especially not in light of the historically proven possession of Rasputin. There are only two possible explanations for the fact that he stood there and laughed at the man who shot him in the chest at point-blank range, and then walked off in perfect health, and his behavior clearly rules out divine intervention.

Some Day

Bismarck is another I believe was possessed.
Read Blessed Francisco Palau's writings.
He wrote deeply about possession and how world leaders, Franco-Masonary is deeply influenced by Satan. READ IT, TRUST ME.


Hitler's actions make sense given his atheism and eugenic, social Darwinist vision


become like famous mass-killer atheists, and have others worship you


I actually think that all "god"-worshipping people in the whole world are possessed by satan. I mean, look at all the evil that has been justified as "acts of god", and "god would want me to" ..

I have been touched by his noodly appendages


Can he even back it up?


Im not religious and dont belive in neither god or the existence of a devil but for arguments sake lets say I did belive in those things, would'nt it still be kinda silly to claim that both the "Harry Potter" books/films are the work of the devil and claim that hitler and stalin was possesed? Do Hitler and JR really play in the same leauge?



It is unfortunate that you do not believe in God or the devil.

You might look at web sites like The Pocket Catholic Dictionary, The Catholic Encyclopedia, The Summa Theologica (especially the proofs for the existence of God), Fr. John A Hardon, S.J. Archives, The Fr. William G. Most Theological Collection, Catholic Answers,, EWTN, and (of course) The Catechism of the Catholic Church to learn what Catholics believe and why we believe it.

For information on the diabolical, you might check the resources referenced in this post: 'The Exorcist': The True Story Behind The Movie

You might also try reading the Four Gospels (and the rest of the New Testament) – it won't take long, and it would be good to learn about Jesus, since his influence extends beyond the 1 billion Catholics in the world to hundreds of millions of non-Catholic Christians, as well as (in a distorted way) the religion of Islam. Christians generally know what non-believers are about and the various reasons for their positions, but most non-believers seem to take little time to understand what so many people believe or why they believe it. Many seem content to dismiss the majority of humanity ignorant (which must make them feel quite special and enlightened).

Do some research. You will learn a lot.

As to your specific question, you will find an answer available here: Has the Pope Condemned Harry Potter?

As you can see from the link, the Pope did not ever suggest that J.K. Rowling was in the same league as Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin.




This is imberessing...

God does not exist, nor does the devil.
These people were only people with a huge "me". They had to much power and could do what they wanted.
Every man gets crazy with that possession.



You are greatly deceived (and not a very good writer or speller).




Im sorry about the spelling, not used to this languish.
But dont you belive that any man would get lost if he had the power to control a whole population? And that the devil has nothing to do with it.

I know I would

Imagine to be able to change a whole country, and a the world history aswell.

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