Five French bishops and 30 French priests have expressed opposition to Pope Benedict XVI's plans about the Tridentine Mass.
Here's the story: French clerics criticize Pope's Latin mass plans
Here are some quotes:
Pope Benedict's expected revival of the old Latin mass has provoked protests from Roman Catholic clergy in France, a major center of the traditionalist schism the Pontiff hopes to overcome with the gesture.Five bishops and 30 priests -- a considerable number in a church normally wary of open dissent -- have expressed grave concern about making this concession to ultra-conservatives who reject the reforms of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).
What are these bishops so afraid of?
Any thoughts?
they are afriad of having the Church be Catholic, instead of Protestant.
Posted by: Lily | Tuesday, October 24, 2006 at 12:56 PM
The French bishops are notoriously anti-Tridentine mass, so this doesn't surprise me at all.
I wonder if they'll go into schism over it?
Anyway, I doubt it will deter the Holy Father. He knows what is the right thing to do, and he will do it.
Posted by: Séamas | Tuesday, October 24, 2006 at 03:47 PM
First, I condemn the use of violence to occupy churches. If any traditionalists have done so, they are in serious need of reconciliation with the Church no matter what merits they have. It is a grave error to resort to violence.
That being said, I do wonder at the protest as reported. I say as reported because I can spot enough error and tendentiousness in the reporting (starting with erroneously describing ad orientam as having one's back to the people instead of facing with the laity in common worship of God) that I do not trust that the French clerics words and intentions have been rendered accurately.
That being said, I do wonder at this seeming resistence to variety. Vatican II introduced a great explosion of variety in the inessentials of rite. What is the problem of adding one more? Is it that it is the old mainstay? That seems rather... odd. But the protest may be misreported so let us act charitably.
Posted by: TM Lutas | Tuesday, October 24, 2006 at 05:42 PM
The list grows longer of those prelates who will have their letters of resignation immediately accepted upon turning 75 years old. A wonderful strategy!
Posted by: David | Tuesday, October 24, 2006 at 06:24 PM
I dunno, these French bishops have been working VERY hard at getting Mass attendance in the French Church at an all time low. Such hard work might merit EARLIER retirement.
There WAS a time when France produced so many vocations to priestly and consecrated life, over half of the vocations went overseas. Anyone remember the Holy Ghost Fathers?
Matter of fact, if they all agreed to retire tomorrow, I would be happy to chip in to get them a nice cozy condo in French Polynesia. No they don't deserve it. Come to think of it neither do the people of French Polynesia. BUT getting them out of the hair of the French could be the greater good.
Posted by: A Simple Sinner | Thursday, October 26, 2006 at 12:53 PM
Regardless of the bad action or inaction of certain priests or bishops, I would like to remind us all of one think that is what makes us Catholic.
Every Bishop is High priest and Vicar of Jesus Christ. Every priest is an image of Jesus Christ. We are not to judge them in a way that may lead to their slander or defamation. TO do so is to Slander Christ. Remember, at ordination an IRREVERSIBLE mark is placed on the soul of the priest That conforms them in a unique way to Christ.
TO slander the Priest is to slander an Alter Christus and Tantamount to Slander of Christ.
Posted by: Dan | Thursday, November 23, 2006 at 11:44 AM