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Sunday, October 15, 2006


David LeBlanc

I am sorry, guys, but I just don't give a rats rear end for what Mel Gibson has to say. I am tired of him. I just want him to stay quite about this past, sorry episode.
If he wants to talk about a new movie he is making, fine. I think his real addiction is publicity, good or bad. Isn't that old saying something like the only bad publicity is no publicity?

Joseph D'Hippolito

I will never patronize anything associated with Mel Gibson. His equating the Iraq war to Mayan human sacrifice is moral stupidity beyond the paie.


To be relevent to the post...I found all of his apologies sincere and the interview very candid. My grandfather was an alcoholic, so was my uncle...i have seen how hard it is to bounce back from hurting so many of the people you love and care about. Gibson, as a listened to Christian voice--one often associated with Catholicism--should be paid attention to. More importantly, in Christian charity, he should be prayed for. As an active heretic and schismatic, Gibson's soul is in danger. In these crazy times, we should pray for those who are seen as "catholic" leaders---that they might speak truth and represent Christ and His Church with integrity.

Regina sine labe originali conceptua, ora pro nobis.

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