"Thanne shewe I forth my longe cristal stones,
Ycrammed ful of cloutes and of bones;
Relikes been they, as wenen they echoon"
"Then show I forth my hollow crystal-stones,
Which are crammed full of rags, aye, and of bones;
Relics are these, as they think, every one."
“Prologue to the Pardoner’s Tale”
The CanterburyTales
By Geoffrey Chaucer
I recently read an interesting article from the Catholic News Service about a Roman Catholic Group in Orange County which seeks to stop the selling of religious relics on E-Bay. (see: http://www.ichrusa.com/)
Given the propensity of Orangensis at this blog, I thought it might be of interest. The article can be found at:http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/0606285.htm
Such trafficking is of course forbidden by canon law. One can only wonder what nefarious uses the relics of the saints are blasphemed with in our hedonistic, and increasingly pagan, society.