If you have trouble viewing the video above, you can also view it here: A Sacrilegious Clown Mass In The Oakland Diocese
An introductory extract from The Instruction Concerning Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery (Inaestimabile Donum)
Prepared by the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship Approved and Confirmed by His Holiness Pope John Paul II April 17, 1980
This Sacred Congregation notes with great joy the many positive results of the liturgical reform: a more active and conscious participation by the faithful in the liturgical mysteries, doctrinal and catechetical enrichment through the use of the vernacular, and the wealth of readings from the Bible, a growth in the community sense of liturgical life, and successful efforts to close the gap between life and worship, between Liturgical piety and personal piety, and between Liturgy and popular piety.But these encouraging and positive aspects cannot suppress concern at the varied and frequent abuses being reported from different parts of the Catholic world: the confusion of roles, especially regarding the priestly ministry and the role of the laity (indiscriminate shared recitation of the Eucharistic Prayer, homilies given by lay people, lay people distributing Communion while the priests refrain from doing so); an increasing loss of the sense of the sacred (abandonment of liturgical vestments, the Eucharist celebrated outside church without real need, lack of reverence and respect for the Blessed Sacrament, etc.); misunderstanding of the ecclesial character of the Liturgy (the use of private texts, the proliferation of unapproved Eucharistic Prayers, the manipulation of the liturgical texts for social and political ends) . In these cases we are face to face with a real falsification of the Catholic Liturgy: "One who offers worship to God on the Church's behalf in a way contrary to that which is laid down by the Church with God-given authority and which is customary in the Church is guilty of falsification."[7]
None of these things can bring good results. The consequences are--and cannot fail to be--the impairing of the unity of Faith and worship in the Church, doctrinal uncertainty, scandal and bewilderment among the People of God, and the near inevitability of violent reactions.
It's time for an end to the wave of liturgical experimentation and liturgical abuse that has overtaken the Catholic Church in many parts of the world. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass needs to be celebrated with reverence and dignity.
Clown Masses and Halloween Masses (with Barney Blessings) demonstrate an appalling ignorance as to what really and truly takes place during Holy Mass: The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
One would like to believe Masses like these are isolated incidents, but there is evidence that abuses like these (and other reprobated liturgical abuses) are quite common in the United States and abroad.
How long is such nonsense to be tolerated? How many warnings from the Holy See reprobating such actions need to be written, promulgated, and ignored, before more concrete action is taken? The abuses have to stop.
One way to stop them is to expose them. That's where YouTube and Catholic Blogs can be of invaluable assistance.
I intend to post footage of liturgical abuses in various dioceses throughout the United States here on Roman Catholic Blog. I do it not to spread scandal, but rather to assist in putting an end to such abuses. Whatever else may be said about exposing these things, it cannot be denied that the ones exposed do not like it. Which makes one wonder how they think what they are doing is so wonderful if they are angered by actions that expose what they are doing?
Bottom line: the darkness still hates the light.
Feel free to utilize YouTube to upload videos of legitimate liturgical abuse or heretical teachings. E-mail me the link to the video on YouTube at [email protected]. If your video is appropriate, I will post it here.
Other videos:
Halloween Mass 3 - The Barney Blessing
The 2006 Los Angeles archdiocesan Religious Education Congress, Closing Liturgy
Any thoughts?
This Mass is absolutely unbelievable. How long must nonsense like this be endured by the faithful?
Posted by: CRCOA Member | Thursday, December 14, 2006 at 02:31 PM
If this happened in 2002 as the camera date shows, then this occured before the current Oakland bishop, who is pretty solid and orthodox, came to the diocese. Therefore, I think you have to be careful in what you post and how you present it. It is totally unfair to Bishop Vigneron to post this now and not making the date more clear. Some people may only see the title and not realize this is 4 years old.
Posted by: Eric Bateman | Thursday, December 14, 2006 at 06:55 PM
Except we know Bp. Vigneron is one of the good ones.
It's the fact that it happened within the last couple of years *anywhere* that's shocking.
Posted by: michigancatholic | Thursday, December 14, 2006 at 08:04 PM
In my humble opinion-- but I am not a bishop or local ordinary like you -- I see nothing wrong with production number to wake up a congregation during the reading of the Gospel.
But the priest should preach.
Hey, it is not in Latin and the people are not snoring. Admit it, you snore in Mass. I know you do to the tune of "holier than thou".
Stick to the real issues here. Encourage the priests to not fear preaching. Keep writing comments like this the people will even send you pictures of themselves sawing logs at Mass or "Holy Mass" because nothing priests do is or WILL BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU PSUEDO NOT GOOD ENOUGH PSUEDO CLERGY.
Gosh whoo hooo, priests get it from both sides. Wake up and encourage them with love.
Posted by: Jeanne Stark | Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 10:02 PM
Indeed this gross event happened in the Oakland diocese but under the previous loose bishop (name withheld). Bishop Vigneron is a orthodox bishop who inherited a wacky liberal diocese. This will not go unchecked on his watch. As for those who support this trash, there's a place called ecusa awaiting their arrival.
Posted by: Marc | Monday, December 18, 2006 at 05:36 PM
As for those who support this trash, there's a place called ecusa awaiting their arrival.
But they had better not wait too long... At the rate ECUSA is going... Well "Clown Mass" might be seen as "too traditional" and "high church".
Of course ex-Catholics have been doing well there lately - just look at Prime Bishopette Schori, when I found out she was an ex-Cath, I at least respected her integrity to get the hell out.
Small favors?
Posted by: A Simple Sinner | Monday, December 18, 2006 at 09:08 PM
Jeanne Stark said:
"In my humble opinion--but I am not a bishop or local ordinary like you --I see nothing wrong with production number to wake up a congregation during the reading of the Gospel."
Well, the Church does see something wrong with it. That's why the Church doesn't allow it.
You see, this isn't just our opinion, nor are we making ourselves our own authority. We are simply defending the Church, her teachings and laws. Being opposed to what is, at best, a violation of the Church's laws and at worst, a sacrilege, is hardly a sign of pride.
Opposing those who are defending the Church and reverence toward God, on the other hand, what are we to make of that? You are defending this kind of thing against the will and mind of Holy Church, all the while calling us "holier than thou" and implying we are putting our will above the Church's. Do you not see the beam in your eye?
Jeanne continues:
"Hey, it is not in Latin and the people are not snoring. Admit it, you snore in Mass. I know you do to the tune of 'holier than thou'."
Nope, not once have I ever slept, let alone snored at mass.
Nor have I ever seen anyone sleeping at mass; certainly not at my parish, where there is Latin, chant, beauty and reverence; where there are no clown costumes, nor "production numbers," nor any other fun and games to "keep people from snoring.".
It's hard to sleep when surrounded by such beautiful sights, sounds and smells; when you know that Jesus is truly present and you can almost see the angels around the altar and touch the wood of the Cross. When your heart has been lifted into God's presence, the last thing you feel like doing is sleeping.
To be fair, I wouldn't sleep at a clown mass, either. I'd be too angry to sleep. Not so much because my own sensibilities are offended, but because I abhor seeing my Lord teated so shabbily.
And Jeanne ends with:
"Gosh whoo hooo, priests get it from both sides. Wake up and encourage them with love.
We are encouraging them to stop committing sacrilege and making a mockery out of the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me it is done out of love. Love for them, and especially love for Christ. When someone is doing wrong, it is a greater act of love to admonish them than to be silent for fear of hurting their feelings. One must not be mean spirited about it, but love and truth go hand in hand. God is love, and God is truth. Jesus spoke nothing but the truth, no matter how hard it was, and he offended many people. Would you say He did not act with love when he called the Pharisees hypocrites? Was He being mean when He told people they were sinning, and would go to hell if they didn't repent?
Posted by: Séamas | Wednesday, December 20, 2006 at 03:47 AM
I forgot how sacrilegious these novelty Masses are. I forgot how they hold up the Bible like a Protestant and act like the word or the Bible is the only revealed truth and not Our Lord in Holy Mass. I truly despise these sacrilegious Masses and bishops who allow them. They are all heretics. The Mass of Pope Saint Gregory the Great, Pope Leo the Great, handed down from Christ and His apostles, and canonized by Pope Saint Pius V is a truly Catholic Mass!
Posted by: lauberd | Saturday, July 28, 2007 at 01:19 PM
It would actually be better to say no Mass at all than to hold a sacrilegious clown Mass that edifies no one.
These Masses are "created" and encouraged by heretics. Heretics are out of communion with Christ and His Church.
I defend Christ not them.
I could not care less how much they say they are offended by my comments.
These Masses are as queer as a three dollar bill and the justifications for them are just as phony.
Posted by: lauberd | Saturday, July 28, 2007 at 01:24 PM
I personally believe these phony priests and bishops should be driven from the Church with whips and fists just as Our Blessed Lord drove out the moneychangers.
Pope Saint Pius X describing this event said; "was not Our Lord terrible?"
Our Lord drove them out with righteous anger.
Pope Saint Pius X also said, "You want me to treat them with oil, soap and water when we are in a duel." Get out before we drive you out with Our Blessed Lord's authority and help!
Posted by: lauberd | Saturday, July 28, 2007 at 01:32 PM
This is just a Protestant assembly.
I do not see the Offertory or Canon anywhere. I hear about taking up your cross for social justice, not Our Lord and His Holy Church.
These people do not belong to a Catholic Holy Mass community in union with an infallible pope as monarch of the Universal Church, particular bishop, and holy, sacrificing priest.
Where is the intention to offer Mass for remission of personal sin, original sin, and other remedies of petition?
Where is the unity in divine worship with all Catholic Masses for 2000 years?
This is the social gospel of liberation. It's Communist theology using Our Lord's name.
There is no Holy Sacrifice, no preparation, and no submission.
Do these priests and bishops not realize their most important mission is the remission of sin, carrying on apostolic tradition, and having custody of Our Lord and His Blessed Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity?
Such as these will not receive Christ and judge the nations.
These are not moral authority priests from Christ, a special mark of Our Blessed Lord and his authority, but rather, clowns preaching an exclusive social gospel.
Posted by: lauberd | Saturday, July 28, 2007 at 02:07 PM
I used to laugh at people in college in 1995 when they were discussing a clown mass and dismissed it as an urban legend. That was in a time when the internet had no pictures on it. The evidence is clear and the search words clown mass or "clown eucharist" with respect to vicars turns up shameless adverts from the very churches themselves (see trinity church website)
I would never dress like a clown in a place which is dedicated to God.
I would not even do so if i was standing in the middle of the temple of Zeus. Why?
COMMON SENSE. That would be desecration....not an insult to Zeus, who never really existed....but an insult to all the people who believed in it and went there and wept over cancer poverty problems and the like.....because they were searching for someone whom had not yet incarnated for our sins. Jesus overturned the tables of the jews who were selling doves and what nots in FRONT of the synagogue. What would he do to clowns inside the church? "Do this in memory of me.", he was predicting his own sacrifice of flesh and blood. It is inappropriate and sacrilegious. Well...maybe not ...ok ok I gots an idea, next time a close relative of yours dies dress up like a clown at the funeral mass i mean after all if the memory of Jesus Christ is clownable why not your MOTHER or GRAND DADDY....sure honk some horns tell jokes and basically show how much you really didn't care....point being...its not a show its a sacrament (derivative of the word "sacred") so stop saying the new cleric is strict and look around the web...i just spotted 10 articles on clowning in the sanctuary clown mass and clown eucharist...and thats just page 1 of many...the clown mass is alive and well ...its a marketing scheme and its working because i heard they worked out a deal with ringling bros. where the priest will travel with the circus dressed up like bozo from chicago TV and obeying Gods command to "do this in memory of me" but we need to edit the bible too...why not put in the extra (inspired) words "do this in memory of me...[and tell jokes with a red nose on your face...the red is for the blood]
Posted by: Bro. Michael Martinson, D.D. | Friday, September 21, 2007 at 02:01 AM
I am amazed by this. I do not know whether to laugh or cry. At least there was one brave soul who rebuked this crap and walked out.
Posted by: JackDonlan | Saturday, December 27, 2008 at 08:42 PM
''One way to stop thm is to expose them.''
All well and good,but ultimately for naught in most of the ulta-liberal parishes where being a Faithful Catholic is treated as criminal behavior by the Leftist ''clergy'' that stage these offenses.
In my case,more than likely they'd have to throw ME out of the Sanctuary,since I would make such a horrendous outcry over this trash,that I would try to utterly disrupt the blasphemopus proceedings.
They just better hope I never pay them a visit when they have one of these perverted things planned.
I'll make them sorry they ever had the idea in the first place.
Posted by: Dominic | Sunday, December 28, 2008 at 04:57 PM
''One way to stop thm is to expose them.''
All well and good,but ultimately for naught in most of the ulta-liberal parishes where being a Faithful Catholic is treated as criminal behavior by the Leftist ''clergy'' that stage these offenses.
In my case,more than likely they'd have to throw ME out of the Sanctuary,since I would make such a horrendous outcry over this trash,that I would try to utterly disrupt the blasphemopus proceedings.
They just better hope I never pay them a visit when they have one of these perverted things planned.
I'll make them sorry they ever had the idea in the first place.
Posted by: Dominic | Sunday, December 28, 2008 at 04:57 PM
The fact remains is that this ceremony cannot be referred to a struly being a Mass,in subatance form or function.
it is infact a parody at best,a mockery and deliberate inversion at worst.
A Black Mass ,for all intents and purposes.
No inverted crosses or Mendes Goats to make the ''spirit'' of the event obvious,but the blatant disregard for accepted Catholic norms of Worship make it just as objectionable.
Satanism ''lite'' is still Satanism.
No matter how prettily you doll it up.
Posted by: Dominic | Sunday, December 28, 2008 at 05:06 PM