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« Vatican Secretary of State: Dissident Catholics More Worrying than Atheists | Main | From "Sacramentum Caritatis": Pope Benedict XVI Upholds Celibacy For Priests, Ban On Communion For Remarried Divorced, And Discipline For Pro-Choice Politicians, & Makes Concrete Suggestions About The Mass »

Tuesday, March 13, 2007



Interesting that one of their pamphlets reads "Outward Signs," yet none of the priests are identified with the outward sign of having "Fr." in front of their name. "Fr." Richard McBrien is simply listed as Richard McBrien.

The Blessed Virgin, I believe in La Salette, France, once said: "Priests must be pure, very pure. They must not concern themselves with anything other than the salvation of their flocks."

This silliness of chasing after every aberrant behavior in life and then trying to normalize it is absurd. Once again, the Faith will be preserved by the faithful and not by the hierarchy.


Speaking as a resident of this diocese, and in answer to your question...what are we doing?

Well, let's apply that to real Catholics; We are praying for the conversion of hearts and the mercy of Jesus Christ.

These people do not represent anything other than their own disordered agenda; they define themselves by their desires, not their human dignity, and they don't understand who they really are and how this is so against their own very nature.

These people need some serious prayers.

It's so very, very sad.

Bill Costa

Did I read the article on the pope correctly?

"However, the pope said, the "final judgment on these matters belongs to the diocesan bishop."

"In new churches, it is good to position the Blessed Sacrament chapel close to the sanctuary; where this is not possible, it is preferable to locate the tabernacle in the sanctuary, in a sufficiently elevated place," he said.


"Priests must be pure, very pure. They must not concern themselves with anything other than the salvation of their flocks."


There it is; the truth.


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