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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


A Simple Sinner

I think I am now the only one on the planet without a my space page.


I frequently watch The Journey Home on EWTN. Many of the converts to the Catholic Church talk about it as their second conversion... That they were total seculars before entering Evangelical communities. Interestingly, more than a few of them got there through the efforts of more casual contacts and outreaches the Evangelical community is so very well known for.

Provided the content of a page like this is orthodox and approved, well, have at it!

Perhaps MySpace is good for more than photos of one's car, dog & girflried after all!


This is really bizarre to me. I can't really imagine that having an 'augustineofhippo' myspace is going to help in any meaningful way. The kids using myspace are so internet savvy that they could find out all about St. Augustine just by an internet search. They aren't on myspace to 'learn' anything.


I saw the St. Augustine of Hippo listing the other day on MySpace and thought it was an interesting idea. I was surprised though, I have to admit.


There is also a
dedicated to the Saint of Auschwitz.


I'm 53 and I have a myspace page.... I loved adding Augustine as my friend and look forward to reading encouragments.

The key to having a safe myspace is to keep it set to private so that only the "friends" you have allowed can enter. I keep in touch with my sons, my nieces, high school friends (yes from 35 years ago) and old friends from the past even current friends... I'm listed on my son's pages and have had their friends from summer camp (10 years ago) get in touch with me too!

I love that my chosen friends can come and see Augustine's page listed in my friends, hopefully, they'll visit the site...

My Space is a whorehouse with all due respect. ( None due.)

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