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« Fr. Z Weighs In On The St. Mary's By The Sea "Parishioners Only" Situation | Main | "A god they could control.." »

Friday, August 03, 2007



I'm glad to hear people discussing this topic. It reminds us there is a battle going on. The book you all want to read is by Gabriele Amorth and it's called, 'An excorist tells his story'.
He wrote another book after that called, 'An excorist - more stories' which is also excellent.


The story behind the "Emily Rose" film was also very interesting.
I wish that in the interview, here, though, the priest had had time to qualify what he said about supernatural abilities. They are not always demonic, as we know from our saints. People who have experienced certain abilities as gifts resulting from prayer will be terrified if they are told that supernatural= demonic.
Most priests know the difference, and love for Christ and His Cross are indicators that there is no possession even if there is deception and harassment. So if there's anyone viewing this who loves Jesus and has the gift of tongues or prophecy, do NOT jump off a cliff!

John Harden

I believe the Spanish exorcist Fr. Morris is referring to is Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea. He is the author of Interview with an Exorcist a fascinating Q&A book on the subject.


Did not Rome just say not to long ago that there are so few priests that even know how to do an exorcism much in part due to the fact they dont even know or are taught Latin that the rite will soon be extinct?

Both of these priests are full of hogwash and in listening to the way they talk probably belong to the same "lavedar mafia" and will probably be going out for drinks after this appearance

Hannity should stay away from any topic involving the Catholic Church. He's a pro-abortion ego maniac with little knowledge of true Catholic doctrine. He's the ultimate embodiment of a "Cafeteria Catholic."

A Simple Sinner

How did some crazy old man chocking a child in front of naked bloodied teenager come to be associated with an excorcism?

Child abuse and psychosis? Sure. Yes. Absolutely.

The origianl postings on this blog have been slowing down signficantly lately... If we are only going to get occasional postings anymore, and they are of this odd quality, I suspect there will be a continued decline in participation...

But honestly, if the posting were to pick up more by posting still more about the nonsense in SoCal, I would be less interested still.


Dang Jack. I'm curious how you "know" this about those two priest? Maybe one of those signs of possessions: secret knowledge.

Maybe when you're done slandering these priests for no good reason you could use more measured words in the future.


Um, Jack...? I've never seen the other priest before, but I'm certain that Fr. Jonathan is well-versed in Latin. What did they say that was not consonant with our Holy Faith?


If there were ever two people who needed one...


On April 24, 1994, JPII performed an exorcism on a teenage girl after one of his audiences. Since then, Jack, it has been reported that there has always been a school in Rome for the training of exorcists. And, I believe that every diocese has to have a trained exorcist, so I'm told by a priest friend who is one. I evil spirits are around, our Church is ready to take them on in the name of our Lord, Jesus!


Hi: Does anybody know how I could get in touch with someone from the secret society of exorcists or any underground exorcists? It's terribly urgent. Thank you.


Hi David: If you read this or someone else can help that would be great. I'm in a very dire situation. I need help and cannot seem to find any. I am not crazy, far from it. Each time I've asked a priest for their help I've been disappointed. By the time any of them end up helping me it will be too late. I've suffered for 18 years now and can not and will not tolerate the way I've had to live my life for the last 18 years. I've been so tormented by evil that I could not begin to tell you for fear that you would believe that I was nuts. I don't think it's right that a priest can take a look at me and say well just keep praying and you'll be alright. That isn't so. I need deliverance and I need it right away. I've missed too much of my life now as it is. I am Roman Catholic but have been let down by the very priests I have put all of my trust into ever since I was a small child. If any one out there truly has the compassion and does care please email me at [email protected]



Joanne,the procedure to obtain an exorcism is to go to your bishop and request one. They will have to do an investigation to ascertain that you are being obsessed, oppressed,or possessed by evil spirits. If your diocease does not have an official exorcist, your bishop is required to preform one. If your bishop is resistent to this go to a bishop who will help you in another area.

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