Of course we all knew that the "Covenant With the Faithful" was a lot of public relations nonsense, but article four of the Covenant, which Bishop Brown nailed to the doors of his own cathedral, like Martin Luther, said this:
(4) We will work collaboratively with all members of the Diocese to promote an atmosphere of openness and trust, and empower them as partners in parochial affairs and thereby create a new era for our Church in Orange County.
Here's the story: O.C. diocese moves to seal bishop's testimony in abuse suit
Here's a quote:
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange is seeking to permanently seal testimony that Bishop Tod Brown gave this week as part of a civil lawsuit accusing a former assistant basketball coach at Mater Dei High School of sexually abusing a 16-year-old student.Under the orders of an Orange County Superior Court judge, Brown was deposed Monday by the student's attorneys, who want to know what he knew about other sexual abuse complaints made against the diocese during the 10 or so years that Jeff Andrade worked at the Santa Ana school as a coach and driving instructor.
Brown's attorneys immediately sought and won a temporary order sealing the deposition, according to John Manly, an attorney representing the accuser. A full hearing on the sealing motion is scheduled for Thursday, Manly said.
Any thoughts?
Wow! Stop the presses! Bishop Tod Brown is a phony!
Of course, parishioners at St. Mary's by the Sea in Huntington Beach already knew that -- and the rest of the world is getting to know it now, too. The evidence is irrefutable.
Posted by: Andrzej | Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 01:03 PM
The commitment to "transparency" and the like is, as you say, PR nonsense. Both Mahony and Brown have trumpeted their commitments to public disclosure even while their attorneys attempt to keep everything under wraps in court. In LA, Mahony once said that the victims "deserve nothing less" than full public disclosure, yet his attorneys just last week moved to prevent deposition transcripts from being released for public consumption.
Posted by: Sine Metu | Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 01:44 PM
and the money keeps coming in!!! Is that not "an accessory to sin"?
Posted by: carol | Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 07:21 PM
Right about now, a little voice in the back of your head should be asking you, "Was it a mistake to write a check to this phony for the Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA)?" Also, would you give any money toward Bishop Brown's "Tod Mahal," the proposed Cathedral of Christ Our Savior in Santa Ana? It's time for the good people of the Diocese of Orange to recognize what we've really got with Tod Brown as our bishop and stop being enablers for this guy.
Posted by: Andrzej | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 05:54 AM
The bishop indeed promised public disclosure of the sordid details of all abuse accusations. It is only right that he follow through. Now, how about disclosing the victims' names? What's fair for the goose...
Why does every mention of the bishop turn into a "St. Mary's by the Sea" rant? A few whiny people don't get their way and the whole diocese is going down in flames! Deal with it, people!!
Posted by: Tomyj | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 11:26 AM
Maybe one of the reasons that each mention of Bishop Tod Brown, turns into a St. Mary's by the Sea rant is this. Bishop Brown is not liked or respected by many of the clergy in the Diocese of Orange. They do not shout this from the rooftops but this fact is a reality. Bishop Brown has a bad reputation amongst many of the clergy throughout the country. I have heard from priests that Bishop Tod Brown's name is mud. Does this make these priests whiners too? Another priest said that Bishop Tod Brown's first goal was to annihilate any of the Sacred Traditions held dear by the faithful. His first fulminating move was to drown out **little** St. Mary's by the Sea. The priest laughed when he said that the cruelty of Bishop Brown backfired and sent a "giant tsunami of bad press", right back to the origin of the problem...."Bishop Tod Brown"! I'm wondering if the bystanders, such as Tomyj, (who watched David, slay the bully Goliath, with a **little stone**), called David a whiner for hitting Goliath in a vulnerable place?
Bishop Tod Brown's vulnerable spot is the bad publicity he has exacted upon himself. If a little whining takes down a corrupt Bishop, then Scripture is only repeating itself.
Bishop Tod Brown recently told parishioners that is was acceptable for Rod Stephens (who left the priesthood to live with his boyfriend) to lead the Catholic burial rite for a friend. Bishop Brown said that Rod Stephens was a Catholic in good standing. When Bishop Brown was questioned if he was aware that Rod Stephens was Master of Ceremony for a woman's ordination, he responded "Oh yes, I am aware of that". Then Bishop Brown asked the parishioner to have the media call him about it if they had a problem with it.
Bishop Tod Brown has clearly demonstrated by actions and words that he is not in union with the Teachings of the Catholic Church. Bishop Brown needs many prayers for his conversion or removal. Let the whining begin!
Posted by: Atlanta Catholic | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 12:48 PM
Tomyj --
One might just as easily ask why every legitimate criticism of Bishop Brown brings out toadies and flunkies desperate to defend the indefensible? If I am whiny, the sound you emit sounds distinctly like the soothing hiss of the Serpent. Attempting, as you do, to distract us and throw us off the trail merely confirms that we're on the right path.
Posted by: Andrzej | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 02:37 PM
Great zingers, Andrzej, you are the master!! Check out today's news re the bishop's deposition, more fodder for the blog. I'm sure someone will tie it to St. Mary's. Excuse me while I slither away, for now.
Posted by: Tomyj | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 03:06 PM
Speaking of slithering, there is a certain defender of Bishop Brown in the Diocese of Orange. He is also known for cover ups in the form of Grecian Formula or Loreal hair dye #35 color jet black. This dye job is just as ridiculous looking as his progressive thoughts are. He fools no one, especially God. National Geographic has labeled this as one of the deadliest snakes known. The Black Mamba or the "Art" of deception is alive and well. One of his most familiar traits is the inabilty to be loyal to the Teachings of the Church. It does not come from a hiss. It comes from a lisp! His only "Mission" is to be loved. We pray for his conversion too! Just as he has covered up the truth, he is covering up his hair color. Neither one of these are acceptable to anyone with an eye or ear for honesty. Please loose the dye job. Please be loyal to the Teachings... "Then you will be loved!"
Posted by: Atlanta Catholic | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 03:58 PM
OK, everyone, just calm down! Jeeze, what a bunch of hotheads! The lack of charity here is poisonous. "Atmosphere of openness and trust" does not mean a naked transparency. The Bishop, whatever you think of him personally, has several competing responsibilities, and has to deal with crud he wasn't around here for in the first place.
St. Mary's parishioners have done a great disservice to the Church by acting like spoiled children and taking admittedly stupid words and actions by Brown and others are spinning them into foolish extremes. I'm glad they get their Latin Mass, Bishop should not have made the mistakes he did, but frankly he responded to mean people by using his authority to punish their intransigence.
I'm surprised at the comment that "most priests" dislike Brown. Is this one person's anecdotal opinion, or based on some hard fact? Pretty strong assertion either way.
The final comment about Fr. Holquin is simply uncharitable. I hope your parish has confessions this Saturday--you need it!
Posted by: | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 05:11 PM
I heard of Fr. Art Holquin. A good friend of mine saw him at the mall years ago with two other men and he wasn't purchasing hair dye. My friend confronted Fr. Art latter at the Cathedral on what he saw. My good friend told me about how he (not asked by Fr. Art Hollquin but by someone else whom he worked with who was a practicing homosexual) was asked to attend these homosexual "sex" parties where there will be priests from the diocese. My friend said no way will I attend that! My friend was seriously scandalized by this. The self rightous types who acused the people at St. Marys of sin better wake the hell up, you are fool if you don't believe this crap is going on! By their fruits you shall know them or maybe it is their hair color. I couldn't resist!
Posted by: Jay | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 08:56 PM
Hair dye? Now, that is ridiculous. What does hair color (even bottled) have to do with anything? The gray-haired "priestesses" get slammed for their gray hair all the time. Now a priest is criticized for dying his hair. Which is more sinful? To let one's hair turn gray or to conceal the gray? One can be accused of pride or vanity. But not old age, hair color, or hair loss.
Obviously there are issues to be discussed. Hair color isn't one of 'em.
Posted by: joanne | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 09:03 PM
The person who failed to display their name! You want to know what is poisonous. Your comments and lack of courage to stand up these destructive men who rape the Bride of Christ! My good friend had the courage to defend the Bride Christ! He loved Fr. Art as Christ does. He loved him truthfully by repremanding him! Only if we had more Catholics like my good friend in the diocese who truely Love Christ and His Bride!
Posted by: Jay | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 09:10 PM
Jay, gossip is gossip, no matter its target.
Posted by: joanne | Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 09:13 PM
I'm a younger Catholic born and raised in the Diocese of Orange when Bishop McFarland was in office. I've attended St. Mary's occasionally over the last few years, and indeed I miss the TLM there. It felt special and ethereal. Unfortunately, the Diocese of Orange is a hostile place for conservative Catholics. As for the "spoiled" and whiny parishoners of St. Mary's, they're whiny because they're conservative Catholics fighting for orthodoxy. Were they gays or another fashionably oppressed minority everyone would laud them for their courage under oppression.
Posted by: Chris | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 12:32 AM
Today, on an internet radio stream from L.A., I heard that Tod Brown testified that he had been accused of sexual improprieties. It is believed that this is why he wants the testimony sealed.
Posted by: Patrick | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 12:34 AM
Hey Joanne: if the way Tomyj describes Fr. Art is "love," I'm glad he doesn't know who I am or "love" me! I try to add a little moderation and get my head bit off. I love the traditional Church, I'm glad the Tridentine Mass is back, I'm tired of parish liturgies, I long for a more respectful and devout parish spiritual life. I am a faithful son of the Church, rest assured.
But I still hope one day the parishioners at St. Mary's will acknolwedge their complicity in the tensions with Bishop Brown--it wasn't all his fault, even though I agree he could have handled his side of things better--so could have the people at St. Mary's. In the history of the Church and lives of the saints, it wasn't self-righteous people who ultimately got their way, but the humble faithful. St. Mary's was neither; I pray for their conversion.
Posted by: JohnV | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 01:10 AM
Joann, Jay is not a gossip. He obviously is telling of a Catholic friend who truely loves Fr. Art. Jay is telling of a true love story without telling of the details. Father Art was doing this in public so he fully intended it to be seen by people. So public exposure should not be problem. Fr. Art needs help. People need to pray for Fr. Art. If Bishop Brown was any sort of good "father" Bishop, he would get these priests help, but he Bishop Brown rather pick on the lay faithful of St. Marys by the Sea and anyone else who gets in the way of his lust for power to destroy anything that resemblems Catholicism. Joann you better stop reading this blog you know it is "gossip". Get your head out of the sand .
Posted by: Alan | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 01:18 AM
JohnV what is this " Traditional" Church. I thought there is One ,Holy , Catholic , and Apostolic Church. The one Jesus Christ founded and gave the keys to St. Peter and his succsesors the one now that sits on the chair of St. Peter is Pope Bennedict XVI who has given us the Motu Propio on the extra ordinary form of the Holy Mass. Why is Bishop Brown and Cardinal Mahony trying to intimedate priests who want to say it and laity who what to worship at it? It smells , of schism to me. Bishop Brown and Cardinal Mahony appears to be starting a schism!John V Iam sinner just like you and I pray ever day to be humble and I also pray everyday for courage to speak up against abuses that happen in and against the church. We don't know the hearts of those at St. Marys by the Sea. Maybe we all need to humble ourselves and stop judging their motives. We need to pray for our own conversion and develope a spine to be disciples of Christ. Iam trying to be a faithful son as well, but I haven't arrived yet. I can't claim that title until Jesus Christ says it to me! So John V, pray for those at St. Marys. Pray that they remain faithful in defending the Faith as they have been doing for all these years, you might need them by your side one day.
Posted by: Paul | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 01:57 AM
I have always been amazed at the defenders of a corrupt Bishop. They play the charity card for anyone who is disgusted with an uncharitable Bishop. This uncharitable Bishop broke the hearts of the faithful in Idaho. Bishop Tod Brown closed down Churches and forced priests who were Traditional to retire. Was this charity? People were forced to drive 100 miles to attend a decent Mass. One Catholic went to attend Mass one day and found a note on the front door. No warning. Just closure. How charitable. As Catholics we have been instructed to pray and offer up these uncharitable acts. It is a different matter when Cardinals and Bishops supercede the authority of the Magisterium. We might have to offer up that extra long drive to Mass but when a Bishop supports homosexual domestic partnership, allows clergy to live with boyfriends, yet cracks down on kneeling, something is rotten at Marywood. It's a good thing that Bishop Fulton Sheen is not here. He would surely be attacked for being uncharitable.
When the faithful found out that Bishop Tod Brown was going to be their new Bishop, they contacted a reputable Catholic organization, (recommended by the Vatican)that defends Church Teaching. The response from this organization was.... there was a stack of complaints as high as the ceiling against Bishop Tod Brown. We were told that Bishop Tod Brown would be no friend to anyone who valued Church Tradition and Teachings. Boy were they accurate! This was before the "mean people" at St. Mary's made Bishop Brown be meaner, defense.
Bishop Brown's first interview with the O.C. Register was to express his concern for homosexual rights.
The last time I checked, the Catholic Church has always promoted the dignity of the person struggling with same sex attraction. Bishop Brown wanted to carry the issue beyond the Teachings of the Catholic Church. Bishop Tod Brown sent a Memo to priests supporting homosexual domestic partnership. Is this charity? No, it is not. It is the road to perdition, flowing from the hands of Bishop Tod Brown.
It is completely false to think that Bishop Tod Brown reacted to St. Mary's because of mean people. That is a distraction from reality. A priest who is close to Bishop Tod Brown in proximity but not theology, warned Father Daniel Johnson that Bishop Tod Brown was out to annnihilate St. Marys. Was this charity? Was the good priest who had a conscience, uncharitable for warning Father Johnson that the wolf was coming?
Was it charitable for Bishop Tod Brown to allow a priest who admitted living with his partner to implement the New Liturgical Norms for Catholics. Should this same priest have been the Director of Evangelization for the Diocese of Orange? How charitable is that for the faithful? This priest also rejects the teachings of the Church. He spreads error. Should the faithful pat him on the back and say..."Well done, you are leading people astray...I'll pray for you! We won't let anyone know that you are misrepresenting the Catholic Church, that would be uncharitable"!
I guess St. Catherine of Sienna did a great disservice to the Church when she said that she could smell the stench of corruption, within the Church. How uncharitable of her. Don't blame the faithful of the Church for smelling the stench in the Diocese of Orange. We are not saints, yet even to our uncanonized nostrils the stench is undeniable. St. Catherine would have had to place a clothespin over her nose to keep from vomiting, if she were in L.A. or the Diocese of Orange. Ask any good priest who has recently returned from Rome. When you mention that you live in L.A. or the Diocese of Orange, you are comforted with words of truth, such as..."Ohhhh....I am so sorry that you come from such a terrible Diocese! Now it might come in an accent but the truth still rings. How uncharitable for priests in the Vatican to admit and warn that there are corrupt Bishops and Cardinals. One of the most charitable Catholic priests that I know called Bishop Tod Brown a S.O.B when he learned about the Bishop's bullying. How uncharitable for good priests to have righteous anger at bad bishops who lead souls away from God.
The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good Catholics to call exposing stenchfilled corruption uncharitable. As for the suggestion of going to confession, it is always good to go. Remember that sins of "omission" are as offensive to God as sins of commission. It takes less courage to defend a buddy than correct him when he is wrong. Christ said, "You Are With Me Or You Are Against Me". Keep defending the bad shepherds who are not obedient and against Church Teaching. You place yourself against Christ. Pure and Simple.
Yes, we just might have the Bishop that we deserve, but real charity is not covering up for them when they have turned their backs on God and His Church!
Posted by: Atlanta Catholic | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 01:57 AM
Let it be known, JohnV, that I do not know nor have I ever met Fr. Art. I have not made any comments about him here or elsewhere. I wouldn't know who he is if I saw him, although based on comments here, he probably is the one with the blackest hair.
I realize most conservative Catholics consider Vatican II chopped liver, and refer to themselves as orthodox. However, Vatican II did produce documents known as the Constitution of the Catholic Church. I didn't see the word "optional" anywhere in the titles. They define Catholicism today, like it or not. Orthodox (or more accurately Pre-Vatican II) Catholics are indeed making a come-back under papal leadership. What this means to the future of the church is probably another schism as mentioned above. What happened to the one, holy and apostolic church? I think we all need to focus on the Word of God, the teachings of Jesus and salvation of mankind, and not the pomp and circumstance that we humans created. Just my 2 cents.
Posted by: Tomyj | Friday, September 14, 2007 at 12:15 PM
Let the crap begin!
Actually it began with the Neo-Marxist take over after Vatican II by degressive, reactionary, leftist prelates like Augustin Cardinal Bea, Leo Cardinal Suenens, Giacomo Cardinal Lercaro, and Giovanni Battista Cardinal Montini (Pope Paul VI), after which the auto-destruct of the Catholic Church began in earnest.
Clerics like Tod Brown of Orange County, Roger Cardinal Mahoney of Los Angeles, Alphonsus Penney of Newfoundland, Hans Hermann Cardinal Groer of Austria, Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini of Milan, Jean-Pierre Bernard Cardinal Ricard of Bordeaux (-Bazas), Tiny Muskins of Breda (in the Netherlands), Eamonn Casey of Ireland, Hubert O'Connor of British Columbia, Bernard Cardinal Law of Boston, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago, Raymond Lucker of New Ulm, Raymond Hunthausen of Seattle, Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit, Matthew Clark of Rochester, Theodore Cardianl McCarrick and Donald Wuerl of Washington D.C., John Quinn, William Cardinal Levada, and George Niederauer of San Francisco, Donald Trautman of Erie, Daniel Ryan of Springfield, Illinois, Thomas Dupre of Springfield, Massachussetts, Charles Grahmann of Dallas, John McCormack of Manchester, Daniel Pilarczyk of Cincinnati, Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg, J. Keith Symons and Anthony O'Connell of Palm Beach, James McCarthy of New York, G. Patrick Ziemann of Santa Rosa, Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee, Robert Sanchez of Santa Fe, Eugene Marino of Atlanta, Edgardo Storni of Argentina, Brendan Comiskey of Ireland, Juliusz Paetz of Poland, Hansjoerg Vogel of Switzerland, and the list goes on and on, are a result of the Masonic revisionism that is the hallmark of the “spirit of Vatican II”.
Thank Annibale Bugnini, the freemason, for the Novus Ordo, which is essentially a Lutheran/Catholic hybrid service, the multitude of homo/hetero pedohilic seminaries, and for the 60's 70's 80's 90's crop of child abusing presbyters errrrrr priests.
The bloody Mahony's and Browns who still dominate the Catholic Church need to be in Pelican Bay, not bishops’ mansions.
Thank G-d for Pope Benedict XVI and the beginning of the end of the destruction wrought by the hijacking of Vatican II. The Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, has arrived.
It’s time to get rid of the reactionary leftists that have had a choke hold on the Catholic Church for 40 years!
Posted by: Johannim ben josef | Saturday, September 15, 2007 at 09:07 AM
I complained years ago about Father Art Holquin being sexually inappropriate to me to Bishop Tod Brown years ago.
Nothing was done about this pervert.
It has disgusted me to see Bishop Brown has done nothing about this pervert predator whom other women have complained about and pressed charges against but promote him.
If they protect and promote a pervert how can you expect anything good from this church?
They are too busy hiding and helping the still rampant sick perverts in our midst.
It has gotten so bad people have a hard time going to church because when they do they wonder if they priest officiating mass is a good Godly priest or just another pervert in our midst?
Nothing is going to get better in the church until our current Pope Benedict the patron of perverts is no longer running the church and we get a decent Pope again like John Paul II.
He was working to purge our church of evil and restore our confidence in it.
We need a Pope and clergy who are more interested in purging the church of pervert predators and evil and making it safe for us.
Not the bunch of self glory seeking secret keeping jerks we have now.
They care more about hushing up the evil for what they believe protects the churches reputation than they care about the faithful they prey on.
No wonder the church has been losing believers in record numbers.
I am sure Satan and his minions have been very pleased about what they have been doing to the church and its faithful.
Posted by: Angry Catholic | Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 10:36 AM