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Monday, December 03, 2007


Dan Hunter

The Holy Father has wonderful way of restating the immemorial catechism of the Church in Spe Salvi.
Everthing he teaches in Spe Salvi has always been taught in Catholic schools pre-Vatican II.
It was wonderful to see that Pope Benedict did not quote word one from the documents of VII.
I believe that the most important truth the Holy Father expounded upon in his encyclical was about the need to unite our human suffering with Christ's human and divine nature's.
Also the mention of "Stella Maris" was wholly edifying.
We have a great one with Pope Benedict.
Long live the Pope!

Jacobs conrad

I love this site and keep the good work its inspirgtional. Conradinho from Nigeria.

Jacobs conrad

I love this site and keep the good work its inspirgtional. Conradinho from Nigeria.

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