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Tuesday, January 29, 2008



Secretary for now. Please, please, please, your Holiness, MAKE THIS ARCHBISHOP THE NEXT PREFECT!


My goodness! Progressives like Bishop Tod Brown (see kneeling controversy at St. Mary’s by the Sea) and Roger Cardinal Mahony must be foaming at the mouth and chewing the carpet! The Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship in Rome is stressing the importance of kneeling before Our Lord and suggests rethinking the reception of Holy Communion in the hand. The goal of the progressive bishops and priests, after all, is to diminish reverence for and recognition of Christ’s Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, degrading Communion to something merely symbolic, like when they pass out Welch’s grape juice and something like snickerdoodle cookies at Protestant churches. Some American Catholic dioceses will have to grapple with big payouts not only for the priest sex scandals, but for the expense to install kneelers in churches where they were illicitly removed. These expenses are linked, believe it or not. They have in common that they and many other problems in the Church are rooted in a turning away from Christ. Now, Deo gratias, we have a pope who is trying systematically to return the focus to where it belongs.


Thank Jesus that an American doesn't hold this position.


I just have to believe that in a country like ours, which so often worships at the altar of self-preoccupation and self-aggrandizement, that kneeling can be a helpful, corrective remedy and reminder of our proper place.


My ship, a guided missile destroyer with about 300 on board, used to carry the Eucharist while underway. We are too small for a chaplain to be embarked always (let alone a priest!) so the Blessed Sacrament was "safeguarded" by a lay leader, and used for "Communion services."
Well, the archbishop (the outgoing one) for the military quashed that practice, as the Eucharist was found in various parts of the ship such as a person's foot locker and other places (the Host was molding!). I watched as a Lutheran took Communion from the lay leader (that was the one and only service I attended). There were far more abuses than I know of.
The chaplain at the base is comfortable with people kneeling and receiving Communion on the tongue, but doesn't necessarily encourage it, although I think he is a good and decent priest.


And of course an added argument to His Excellency's points is that the apostles knelt before Jesus on Holy Thursday and received the sacred host with tongues extended.


We do already engage in physical acknowledgment of the Divine Presence by, 1) kneeling during the Eucharistic Prayer, 2) kneeling as we say, "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, and 3) bowing when approaching the priest/eucharistic minister.


Massive declines in belief in the True Presence, as well as the Vatican's recent statements, claim otherwise.


This practice (recieving on the hand) should never have been allowed in the first place. Ask any priest who celebrates the Tridentine Mass and he will tell you that there are always particles on the discos to be cleaned off after everyone receives our Lord. Imagine how may particles have fallen to the floor with everyone receiving our Lord in their hands! This practice was just another step to taking away reverence for Our Lord in the Eucharist. I hope that they stop it soon.


This practice (recieving on the hand) should never have been allowed in the first place. Ask any priest who celebrates the Tridentine Mass and he will tell you that there are always particles on the discos to be cleaned off after everyone receives our Lord. Imagine how may particles have fallen to the floor with everyone receiving our Lord in their hands! This practice was just another step to taking away reverence for Our Lord in the Eucharist. I hope that they stop it soon.

Michelle Therese

The Archbishop is my HERO! I can't kneel though...I'm disabled (bad leg) and getting down and up from the *floor* is nearly impossible for me. Why can't we have our altar rails back????? I can kneel at an altar rail!

Tracy Illes

Do we all not have OUR OWN job to do? I believe that the more we compromise the
'Original Church' the more we give it to the Enemy! Is God not Past, Present and
Future? Jesus is here NOW just as He was and will ever Be! We have no right
to change what God has given us, and I believe with immovable volition that
Jesus wants us to take the Host from the Priest's Hand (the one who Jesus sent
to represent Himself), not our own.
I'm sure we all agree that the priest represents our Lord in the flesh giving
Himself to us in the Host. The reason that we do not take the Lord in our own
hands is that we could drop a piece of the Holy Flesh or perhaps decide to
keep it without consuming it (as those who work for the Enemy would!).
Thus, there is far less a chance of defiling, disrespecting and
continuing to "crucify" Jesus Christ if the priest (who represents the Lord) does
the job of handling the Sacred Host. In Christ, Tracy Illes


I like him too! I never had recieved communion in the hand until today and it was only because we had a visiting priest for thanksgiving while our priest was away. The retired priest basically told us the Bishop said we were to recieve by hand due to H1N1 which I had never heard the Bishop say we were only to recieve by hand. I knew that we were only to recieve the one species,the Bread and (No Wine) and no shaking hands at the sign of peace. I was so upset inside when he said this and yet was trying to decide what to do. I had prepared to recieve our Lord with confession and prayers and was beside myself with fear as to whether now to even recieve at all as I didn't wish to disobey the Bishop. I begged God to help me as I did not want to do anything wrong and in my heart I know Jesus wants me to recieve on the tongue. I decided to go up to recieve by hand then not to recieve at all.

It was so upsetting and I could not even think how to do it. As he gave me the Eucharist in my hand I stared at it and barely remembered to say Amen I was so upset. I will never do that again!

Especially after reading this...

(This Dicastery observes that its Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum (25 March 2004) clearly stipulates that "each of the faithful always has the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue")

Also I wish they would bring back the altar rails because I have knee trouble and if I knelt to get communion as I would like the rails would assure that I would be able to get back to my feet again on my own.
Pray for the Church and Priests!

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