Video: Papa em Missa Ad Orientem
Video: Benedict XVI Versus Deum
Video: Bento XVI esquece Anel de Pescador no Altar da Sistina
Links: The Roman Curia Wakes Up and Strikes Three Blows
Pope to Jesuits: Reaffirm "Total Adhesion to Catholic Doctrine" on "Sexual Morality"
Vatican Initiates Major Initiative to Increase Eucharistic Adoration
Sharing Good News is essence of Church mission, Pope says
Mutual prayer is key to Christian unity, Pope repeats
Pope emphasizes consistent application of canon law
The Church law “makes us free to follow Jesus”, explains Benedict XVI
Pope Laments Media Violence, Vulgarity
Pope says science can't help people discover their true identity
Any thoughts?
Thank you Thomistic!
Look at the credible evidence that disproves Father Art Holquin's recent remarks in the Huntington Beach Independent article on the TLM.
Bishop Tod Brown and the progressive clergy of Orange County are supposed to look to Rome, as the Vicar of Christ speaks volumes with his actions. Thank you Holy Father! You are setting the captives free. We will continue to pray for the conversion of those who seek to destroy truth with their own selfish agendas.
Posted by: Atlanta Catholic | Tuesday, January 29, 2008 at 01:37 PM
Pope Benedict is affecting necessary corrections not with a tsunami, but with quiet, determined, well-planned action. With his appointments, he has people in the curia now who will carry out his instructions. As one theologian observes, “It is time, finally, for a Christianity of adoration.” What Pope Benedict calls “the filth in the Church” — the priestly sexual sins committed by the few — may have been avoided if those priests had been centered on adoration and belonged “completely to Jesus.” The pope is consistent when he celebrates Mass, not by “turning his back on the faithful,” as progressives might snidely allege, but rather by orienting himself with the faithful toward the Lord.
I think that is the Holy Father’s overall message and, as they say in the political world, he is always “on message.” In every way, we must come back to Church traditions that are not outdated, as progressive bishops and priests would have us believe. We must return to the emphasis on Jesus, not on ourselves, as has been the direction of those who picked up and ran with what they represented to us as “the spirit of Vatican II.” Just as the Tridentine Mass, with its orientation toward the Lord, was never outlawed, neither was the orientation completely to Jesus of all the clergy and faithful ever intended to be dispensed with. Pope Benedict is bringing us back to the future.
Posted by: CatholicCrusader | Tuesday, January 29, 2008 at 02:29 PM
"Just as the Tridentine Mass, with its orientation toward the Lord, was never outlawed, neither was the orientation completely to Jesus of all the clergy and faithful ever intended to be dispensed with."
It was never outlawed because there was never a law requring the priest to face the apse. The movement towards free standing altars predated the Council and nothing prior to the liturgical reforms prohibited the priest from facing a free standing altar across from the people.
The priest is "facing the Lord" symbolized in the altar regardless if he is also facing the apse or the people.
Posted by: Katherine | Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 08:42 AM
Well, stated, Atlanta...very poignant...
Posted by: Donald | Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 11:50 AM
The Catholic Bible specifically states that there is but one mediator between God and man. But the church has declared Mary as a mediatress. Is this not adding to the Word of God? Secondly, the conclusion of the prayer, Hail Mary,says..and deliver us from evil now and at the hour of our death. Would we not turn to Jesus who died for us and shed His blood for the remission of our sins? Thirdly, Mary is not the Mother of God. God has no mother. She was the earthly mother of Jesus and a sinner as well. The Catholic Bible says that all have exceptions. Even she recognized Jesus as her Saviour..I rejoice in God My Saviour! Finally, when Yeshua, our Messiah, returns he will go directly to Jerusalem, not Rome!
Posted by: Edwin Yosef Vogt | Friday, February 01, 2008 at 10:48 PM
Dear Edwind:
Since the first days os yhe churcha mary was called theotokos (mother of god). The council of Efesus, in 431, dclared Mary the mother of God. And in 1854 Pope Pius IX declared the dogma of the Imaculate Conceptio of Mary.
Posted by: | Saturday, February 02, 2008 at 02:10 PM
Mysterious in a way. Hope all for the better.
Posted by: UPC | Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 03:59 AM