For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. - Isaiah 50:7
Dominus Deus auxiliator meus, ideo non sum confusus; ideo posui faciem meam ut petram durissimam, et scio quoniam non confundar. - Isaias 50:7
Sanity from Minnesota, my the times they are a changing!
God Bless Archbishop Nienstedt
"Twin Cities Catholic Archbishop Nixes Gay Pride Service."
"The new Catholic archbishop for the Twin Cities has told a parish that it can no longer hold prayer services celebrating the homosexual lifestyle and that parishioners ought to pray for peace instead if they want to remain in conformity with Catholic teaching.
The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, led by its new administrator, Archbishop John Nienstedt, informed parish staff members of St. Joan of Arc church that their annual homosexual pride prayer service planned for Wednesday - an event that has been held for several years in conjunction with the annual Twin Cities Pride Celebration - must come to a permanent end."
See the full article at:
The lefties are buzzing mad about this one, and that’s great. Even "le gran dame" Andrew Sullivan laments.
(If you ever want to see the prima facie proof of the maxim "When passion enters reason flies" read Andrew Sullivan, but of course he thinks Obama is a conservative candidate and is happy that gas is at $4 a gallon.)
I want to know when the archbishop is going to start fulfilling his and his fellow bishops' commitment to dialogue with gay Catholics.
Posted by: kevin57 | Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 11:31 PM
The archbishop is the real deal. A few weeks ago, at my parish, the priest read a letter of support from the archbishop due to a small handful of dissidents who were mad because they were losing their power in the parish. Besides having a weekly TLM for years, the priest has taken the free standing altar away and begun saying the Novus Ordo ad orientam, and overall leading a great flock.
The archbishop has enemies in the press, who are already painting him as intolerant, etc. Pray for him-he's looking to be a very good leader.
The "dialogue" will begin in the confessional, when the homosexual Catholics turn to repent for their sins.
Posted by: Jeffrey | Thursday, June 26, 2008 at 07:03 AM
It's so nice to finally have a bishop in this archdiocese that isn't endorsed by the rainbow sash movement! he said mass at my parish a month ago and I was very impressed. there is much work to be done in this archdiocese , but I think he's up for it. the church needs more bishops like him.
yes, the good Archbishop does have enemies in the story lamented that he (gasp!) actually follows and preaches Church teaching and is (double gasp!!)obedient to the Holy Father - i believe the quote was something like "he gets his marching orders from the Vatican" .
Posted by: american aquarium drinker | Friday, June 27, 2008 at 12:08 AM
Archbishop Nienstedt is doing his job, and doing it well! Imagine being pilloried for teaching a message that has been consistent for thousands of years! We live in a sick society, my friends, and there are few voices of truth in the wilderness. The good Achbishop is one of them. May he set the standard for future church leaders!
Posted by: Pilsun | Friday, June 27, 2008 at 07:20 AM
Archbishop Nienstedt was previously the bishop of my diocese (New Ulm, Minnesota). He made a lot of heads turn with his very back-to-the-Catholic-basics, and I appreciate the work he does to set things back on track. I would admit that sometimes he seemed unapproachable, even in a small diocese, but this man has a great heart on him and I know that he is a blessing to the archdiocese.
Posted by: Phillip | Friday, July 04, 2008 at 01:11 AM