A friend e-mailed me a link to CatholicsComeHome.org, specifically pointing me to TV ads the organization has produced and is airing in various markets.
According to my friend, they have been airing in the Phoenix area and have reportedly drawn 6,000 fallen away Catholics back to the Church. I can see why: they are very powerful, moving ads. You can watch them here, here and here.
I couldn't help but notice the power of these ads derives in large part from the traditional imagery employed. You see children kneeling at the Communion rail, the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, stained glass and beautiful altars -- not folk Masses, ugly, modernistic churches or nuns in polyester pantsuits. The producers use imagery that evokes the sacred, the mystical, the eternal and the ancient, the majesty of the Catholic Church, demonstrating a clear understanding what really draws people to Catholicism.
If you want to donate to CatholicsComeHome.org's worthy mission, click here.
Wonderful ministry. Although, the images on the website are not those I'd be looking for if I wanted to "come home. I think I'd prefer a Good Shepherd picture on the front page.
Posted by: joanne | Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 10:29 PM