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« Weak Archbishop Weakland.... | Main | Diocese of Charleston Backslides on Abortion... »

Friday, November 14, 2008



Rocco over at Whispers has a much more on the story (detailed and more accurate) about this here:

Seems the AP (surprise, surprise) slanted the story to their own liking.



Rocco has a more detailed story, I don't know about accuracy.

Let me explain.

1.) It is true that Fr. Newman said that Catholics who voted for Obama should not receive communion.

2.) He did not say that he would, or could, deny communion to Catholics who voted for Obama.

3.) As usual Rocco allows the backsliders at Fr. Newman's diocese to undercut the true teaching of the Church.

Loy 98

Simple soul

Never take as gospel anything reported in the secular press about the Catholic Church Go to more reliable websites and magazines whose loyalty to the magisterium is unequivocal.


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