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Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Frank Balkus

I was and altar boy for the SSPX, I knew all the Sadevaticanist's of rhe Pius IX group,"The infamouse nine that left the SSPX". I knew Bishop Williamson when he was Fr.Williamson, I hope someone will write a book about me, as I'm very poor...please e-mail me at [email protected] you and God Bless.

Michael Bridgwater

I can tell you this: when I visit Germany, many of the Catholic churches out Protestant the Protestant churches in their banality. Whilst the [high] Lutheran churches are arrayed as Catholic churches pre-Vatican II. To the unitiated you could well make the mistake of one actually a N.O. Mass - even Benedictions. It used to be like that in parts of the UK, pre-Vatican II, including full Latin! The German hierarchy are anti-BXVI almost to a man.


I would be most appreciative of any summary you could provide of the vast errors of Lutheranism from "Canons & Decrees of the Council of Trent," or if you could point me to a good introductory manuscript on the subject.


I was just checking to see if JT would get an answer. I was curious myself. Perhaps LL98 overstated his case. Trent, after all, did fix a myriad of Roman abuses that should be mentioned.

And what's wrong with a Catholic bishop admonishing people to live "God centered" lives?


I've been checking back, too. In light of the exposure of the ELCA's historical critical nonsense, I'm in a mood to learn if the Lutheran ideas were doomed from the start, or if the modern issues are of their own creation.


I find it fascinating that you insert a quote from Pius XI but nothing from the Decree on Ecumenism from Vatican II. Doesn't an ecumenical council far outrank a papal statement?

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