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Wednesday, September 09, 2009



Looks like in a way, McBrien is part of the fullment of the Third Message of Our Lady of Akita.

It's scary that he just might be so obstinate that he doesn't realize what he is doing.

May G-d have mercy on him and the rest of us.


Jesus never adorned Himself with jewels. When He sent the disciples out, He instructed them to not take any silver of gold. Why is the Eucharist always adorned with decorative gold? Was Jesus born in a palace? In John 4, Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that a time will come where the people of God will worship in spirit and in truth. Spirit is unseen, so why bow before what is seen? Paul talks about this in Acts 17 when he addresses the Areopagus. "God does not dwell in anything made by human hands." Prayer for communion, talks about what human hands have made, and we bow before this? Does not seem right. I applaud this man, get rid of the benediction.

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