Pope Francis: "A Christian can never say, ‘I’ll make you pay for that.’ Never! That is not a Christian gesture. An offence is overcome with forgiveness, by living in peace with everyone."
"Pope Francis has made a thinly veiled criticism of the policies of Donald Trump, saying societies should build bridges not walls to encourage good relations among people.
The pontiff did not directly refer to the US president or his plan to build a fence along his country's border with Mexico.
But his statement at his weekly general audience at the Vatican that it was a Christian calling “to not raise walls but bridges, to not respond to evil with evil, to overcome evil with good” will be seen as an allusion to Trump’s plans and policies.
In improvised remarks, the pope appeared to further refer to Trump by saying: “A Christian can never say: ‘I’ll make you pay for that.’ Never! That is not a Christian gesture. An offense is overcome with forgiveness, by living in peace with everyone.”"
See the full story at: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/08/pope-francis-walls-bridges-donald-trump